Thursday, April 17, 2008

Installing R in Suse SLED 10.1

Some one comments:"R is a nightmare in ANY distribution." I agree with him in regards to SUSE Linux Enterprise Edition version 10.1. I am using a x86_64 machine running SUSE SLED 10.1. I wrote in a letter about my bad experience when installing R.
"At first I tried SUSE's install software application, but it can't find R in its repository. Then I downloaded the rpm package of R for SUSE 10.1 from CRAN mirrors, and tried install software application again. But it can not resolve dependencies. At last I ran rpm -i R-base-2.6.1-3.1.x86_64.rpm from terminal. It said it needs libgfortran.

OK, I downloaded and installed libgfortran package, and then tried rpm -i R-base-2.6.1-3.1.x86_64.rpm again. This time it needed base. I downloaded base package and try to install it by running rpm -i base-1.3.6-1mdv2008.0.noarch.rpm (I am not sure this is the right package for my computer), butit needs apache-mod_php, apache-mod_ssl, php-mysql, etc. I have to give up."

Also it seems difficult to me to compile R from source code because the package dependency is so complex.

Finally I figured out a trick: we can run windows version R in a linux with Wine. First go to download and install wine. And then grab a Windows installer of R and install it. It works, either basic computation or graphic display. But there is a little problem as shown in the following graph: the cursor overlaps with the text.

ps: Another by-product is that I can play starcraft on that Linux machine with a big display.

1. Stuff I've learned about Wine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm interested also in running R in SLED using the openSUSE 10.1 version. For the record, I have never experienced any problems installing R on Fedora 1 through 8. Whether by rpm from r-project or by a package in a distribution. It could not be easier.

The problem I've had is that when trying to install R-base, it also wants libblas and fortran. I would prefer not to use wine.


Rick B.