Saturday, October 21, 2006

Bioinformatics -- Philip E. Bourne , Helge Weissig

This post is about Philip E. Bourne , Helge Weissig, two pioneer in structural bioinformatics. They coauthored a book Structural Bioinformatics. P.E.Bourne sumerize his lab's goal as follows in UCSD.

"Our goal is to undertake in silico bioinformatics-related research and education. Along the way we develop resources, for example, the RCSB Protein Data Bank(PDB) and the Immune Epitope Database (IEDB), for use by the community. We view these resources as being as important as disseminating our science through the scientific literature. We firmly support open access to the scientific literature through our work with the Public Library of Science and free access to our software"

P.E.Burne's group develop and maintain several databases

Biological Structure

  • The Protein Data Bank (PDB)

The single worldwide source of primary structural data on biological macromolecules determined experimentally. Developed in collaboration with Rutgers University our partner in the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB).

The main goal of this resource is to better understand principles behind structural domains identified from 3D coordinates ref .

  • Structure Comparison Database (CE)

Pair-wise structure comparisons based on the Combinatorial Extension (CE).

Compilation of recurring protein substructures.

Use of structure comparison to extend the coverage of GO terms in the PDB.

Automated classification of protein-DNA complexes of known structure.

  • Multiple Structure Alignment CE-MC

Starting from CE pair wise alignments a multi-structure alignment is computed using a Monte Carlo optimization technique.

Signal Transduction

  • The Protein Kinase Resource (PKR)

A compilation of structures, structure alignments, sequences and sequence alignments for the protein kinase family.


Known domains involved in apoptosis and associated sequence alignments.


  • Immune Epitope Database (IEDB)

Information that facilitates the dissemination of immune epitope information, the generation of new research tools, diagnostic techniques, vaccines and therapeutics for emerging and re-emerging diseases.

Helge Weissig's work centers around the research and education in strutural bioinformatics. His personal wedsite provide good directions on resoures in this field and a serise introductory courses

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