Monday, October 12, 2009

Next Generation Genome Browser

When David, Fang Fang and I talk about UCSC Genome Browser today, I said "I would like a genome browser like Google Map". Later I find I become more excited about this idea: the next generation genome browser, which provides an more user friendly and powerful platform to ornanize and display genomic information.

What does the next genome browser ("genome map") look like ?

First, smoother zoom in and zoom out. Genomes are organized in hierarchical structure. Sometimes we need a birdview of the whole genome and sometimes we are interested in subtle local structures. It is of great value if we are change the resolution when examining the genome. So, we need dynamic and smoother zoom in and zoom out just like the little sliding bar in Google map. (update: I came across Jbrowser and Anno J browser that seems to have this function. See reference)

Second, advanced searching functions. Current genome browser are only able to search by genomic location, as a result the vast amount of annotation information can not be searched in genome browser. It will be cool there is a search box. Users input a keyword , such as a gene name and the our genome map display those regions match the query.

Third, what kind of web technology should we need? Ajax? Database back end? XML? Maybe google map is a good starting point.

There seems great possibility that such a genome map will appear and what other features are you looking for in the next generation genome brower?

1. Skinner ME, Uzilov AV, Stein LD, Mungall CJ, Holmes IH. JBrowse: A next-generation genome browser. Genome Res. (2009)
2. AnnoJ Browser

Friday, March 06, 2009

Exon/Intron Statistics in Human Genome

Data from:

Table 1: Exon - intron distributions for human genome
Chr # Total # genes Total # exons Total # introns Max # exons/gene Chromosome size (determined) Avg # of exons/gene Avg length (bp) Std dev. Total length (bp) Shortest (bp) Longest (bp)
exon intron exon intron exon intron exon intron gene exon intron gene
1 2514 22345 19831 107 226828929 8.89 167.01 4736.52 229.37 14268.19 3731870 93929919 2 1 78 8449 476158 980961
2 1354 12506 11152 148 238349289 9.24 163.98 5883.23 226.88 17012.24 2050855 65609873 2 1 90 7572 483412 1897544
3 1394 13517 12123 118 195073306 9.70 164.06 6375.63 224.21 21019.22 2217700 77291760 2 1 150 6654 497816 990999
4 926 8299 7373 85 187239983 8.96 174.78 7168.94 266.64 19497.08 1450541 52856617 2 53 132 6255 494708 1467842
5 1186 9946 8760 90 177696509 8.39 189.50 7277.28 332.86 21277.20 1884777 63748970 2 1 150 6574 370360 930401
6 1306 11406 10100 145 169212327 8.73 173.62 5961.61 253.56 18967.75 1980397 60212251 2 31 159 7152 469892 1377570
7 2508 23045 20537 82 310210944 9.19 167.87 6703.87 271.88 20177.41 3868769 137677396 2 1 14 11923 458139 1641567
8 908 7823 6915 86 143297300 8.62 171.16 7354.15 258.43 21384.09 1339052 50853964 2 54 84 7308 453268 2055833
9 1033 8941 7908 72 117790386 8.66 170.66 5351.68 253.19 14121.26 1525926 42321074 2 33 105 6598 276306 865661
10 1017 10273 9256 69 132016990 10.10 153.79 6412.91 219.97 20271.48 1579898 59357955 2 52 105 7812 482575 1727184
11 1567 12459 10892 87 130908954 7.95 177.66 4341.42 237.03 15362.46 2213526 47286795 3 1 87 6183 437543 1463302
12 1299 12399 11100 89 129826379 9.55 158.07 4570.21 192.23 12979.23 1959945 50729293 2 30 81 6324 328545 1248678
13 426 3784 3358 83 95749578 8.88 183.47 7351.75 396.79 19082.4 694268 24687182 2 37 279 11555 317646 1175762
14 854 6837 6106 114 87191216 8.01 176.24 5653.70 276.66 19076.38 1204982 33826109 2 51 51 11304 479079 1210740
15 843 8106 7263 104 81992482 9.62 169.79 4660.70 271.38 11542.05 1376321 33850721 2 1 168 9527 207178 620362
16 1093 9986 8893 62 79932432 9.14 166.96 3661.25 242.60 13092.99 1667340 32559472 2 1 75 8607 466049 1167938
17 1459 13179 11720 74 79376966 9.03 165.08 3193.16 215.89 9875.72 2175698 37423835 2 30 63 4786 283762 712668
18 367 3333 2966 75 74658403 9.08 174.9 7905.40 256.53 19377.24 583054 23447419 3 67 225 4721 411175 1189866
19 1609 12169 10560 106 55878340 7.56 187.31 2032.87 279.92 4741.54 2279436 21467122 2 1 81 5059 170796 298909
20 775 6492 5717 80 59424990 8.38 160.34 4403.10 215.29 13613.39 1040952 25172558 3 54 135 3738 303713 1108855
21 309 2539 2230 47 33924367 8.22 168.59 5086.89 306.51 16098.67 428056 11343761 3 74 102 5916 323563 833627
22 671 5173 4502 54 34352072 7.71 171.14 3924.83 281.85 12999.39 885356 17669584 3 42 38 6762 447252 492969
X 1048 8568 7520 79 152118949 8.18 185.33 7627.85 299.66 23527.35 1587926 57361443 2 54 129 6102 493512 2217347
Y 98 660 562 44 24649555 6.73 173.74 5288.54 255.05 19676.46 114670 2972162 3 67 228 2493 400349 681119

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Emacs Note

1. Packages for using emacs as an IDE

2. How can I use emacs without gui when I work on a remote machine with a slow connection?
emacs -nw

3. In emacs shell mode, what setting need I modify to make the shell promote PS1 display correctly, e.g. with color like in a terminal?

Add the following code in your .emacs
(autoload 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on "ansi-color" nil t)
(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on)

4. After I update to emacs 23, invoking flyspell-mode gives the following error "Enabling flyspell-mode gave an error". 

This is caused by the conflicts between site dictionaries and the dictionaries in emacs 23.It can be fixed as following:
cd /usr/share/emacs23/site-lisp/dictionaries-common
sudo rm *.el *.elc
5. How do I enable double spaces in emacs?

This feature is provided in the package setspace. Add the following commands in the preamble of your tex file.
6. Which font looks pretty in emacs?
My personal favourite is Nimbus Mono L regular. 

7. In org-mode, how can I change the default browser?
Add the following two lines in your .emacs file:
(setq browse-url-browser-function (quote browse-url-generic))
(setq browse-url-generic-program "google-chrome")
Similarly, if you want to use the open sourced version of Chrome Browser instead of the Google rebranded version, replace "google-chrome" with "chromium-browser"; if you want to use firefox, replace "google-chrome" with "firefox". 

8. I copy some text in emacs, how can I paste the text another application?
In your .emacs file. add the follow line
(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Latex Notes


1. How to type mathematical symbols

3. Use the following packages to make your docs more pretty
\usepackage{times, fullpage}

4.  How can I input the addition assign (+=) operator in latex?

5. How can I move all figures and tables to the end of article?
Use the package endfloat

6. How can I edit and generate files in Chinese?
Use the xelatex command, see a simple template at

Good read:
  1. 陈硕: 用 LaTeX 排版技术书籍
  2. 无有的笔记空间: LaTeX 排版学习笔记